Spring is Coming!


Well… another week, another round of slightly uninspired images for my photography class. Though, I am pretty pleased with at least one of these. The subject was light, shadows and reflections…. which to me, means any picture of anything as virtually all photos have all three of those things to some extent. Anyhow, here are two decidedly springy ones I came up with:

On another note, I pretty much had my worst experience ever as a photographer…. on an assignment for the DTH I had to go to the Employment Securities Commission at 9am this morning to take pictures of people lining up to apply for unemployment benefits. Quite obviously, nobody in the world would want to have their photo taken as they’re applying for unemployment… and yet I had to take it. I ended up getting one guy out of the 20+ people asked to let me take his photo as he filled out paperwork. It was horrible. I basically felt like I was exploiting his crappy situation for a worthless article in a student newspaper. oh yeah. that’s exactly what I did. awesome.